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Banjica concentration camp

The Banjica concentration camp was a Nazi German concentration camp in the Territory of the Military Commander in Serbia, the military administration of the Third Reich established after the Invasion and occupation of Yugoslavia during World War II. In response to escalating resistance, the German army instituted severe repressive measures – mass executions of civilian hostages and the establishment of concentration camps. Located in the Banjica neighborhood of Dedinje—a suburb of Belgrade—it was originally used by the Germans as a center for holding hostages. The camp was later used to hold anti-fascist Serbs, Jews, Roma, captured Partisans, Chetniks and other opponents of Nazi Germany. By 1942, most executions occurred at the firing ranges at Jajinci, Marinkova Bara and the Jewish cemetery.


Oscar - Fifth postcard: March 8, 1943

barrack 37 in Oflag VI C.  was an officers' camp in the municipality of Atter, now part of the city of Osnabrück. VI C stands for the third camp in military district VI.

My beloved Ada!

Although I have not yet received a reply from you about the February 18 postcard, I want to let you know that all is well with me and look forward to hearing from you soon. Maybe your friend Lola Butsarov will write to you, so answer her nicely. Her brother-in-law, Erich Kopelman, is here and wrote to her about you.

Pray, my beloved child, every morning and evening. For the life and health of your parents and sisters and all your loved ones. Always be good and obedient, honest to your beloved aunt and uncle. Help your beloved aunt and uncle in everything. Work does good and it is not shameful. Everything you learn will help you in life. Therefore, as much as possible also learn by yourself: read, write, calculate, housework, etc.

Pay attention to your health. There is good news from Ella, Alice and Ola. 

With warm greetings, father who kisses you.

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